Frequently Asked Questions

Once you are logged into the website, select your name or arrow in the top right corner of the page. Proceed to click on the My Profile link. This will open a page so you may update your contact information and mailing address.

You should contact the Agency that handles the particular service you are wanting to access on My.OK.GOV.

Use the search function on Services link in the main menu navigation. to find a particular agency's service. You may search by keyword.

Be aware that some forms take longer than others. Have all the documents you are aware of in front of you. Once you begin the particular service form it will have a Start Here screen that will give you information needed before you begin.

Once you are logged into the website, you will select the My Requests link in the main menu navigation.

You may reset your password here or select Login from the main menu navigation, select the "Forgotten Your Password?" link. Follow the steps to reset your password.

Agency Questions 
(Use this contact information for questions related to the Agency or a Service.) 

Please contact the Agency directly.


Technical Issues 
(Use this contact information for questions related to your profile, service not advancing to next step, password resets, site availability, ect...) 

Office of Management and Enterprise Services 

Hours: 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year 

Local: (405) 521-HELP (4357) 
Toll Free: (866) 521-2444 
Email Address: